We absolutely knew Sarah had a story to tell once we saw her captivating, creative and colourful photos. We believe everyone can take a note from Sarah's book and have a deeper lust for life.
"Growing up I tried my very very best to fit in. Toe the line, don’t stand out and don’t get noticed. As an adult, I found some sort of style but I was always too afraid of what others thought to really be myself.
I remember when Irregular Choice released the Flamingo heels and I’m Bossy but I was to scared to buy either because I’d stand out.

Around 8 years ago I started getting ill. I’d shake and sometimes I’d freeze. It got worse over the years to wear a lot of time now I can’t move or a shake a lot and can’t talk or talk funny. In the first few years I learnt to get used to either the states or people completely ignoring you and realised that what others think doesn’t matter iota. People are going to judge no matter what so you might as well be your true amazing self. So I started buying all the Irregular Choice shoes I’ve wanted for so long.
I’m a bit further behind fashion wise. I’ve spent most of the last few years either in my dressing gown or running clothes (I did 52 marathons in 52 weeks last year for charity and joined the 100 marathon club) but running is getting more difficult now so I’ve started a shoe blog.

A lot of times I can’t move or leave the couch (I was in lock down years before it was fashionable) but I literally am that person who gets dressed up to go to the super market. I’ll wear heels even though I’m really struggling to walk (it’s not any easier in flats anyway) and during lockdown I’ve discovered my love of petticoats. Most days during lockdown I’ve done an outfit photo on my Instagram. Even forcing myself on bad days when I have frozen face and can’t smile. People don’t like it when you can’t smile (and like to tell you so) but that’s their problem.
So, anyways, I’ve discovered I’m very much a 50s chick but with a bit of modern and quirky thrown in. My dress collection is slowly catching up to my 300 plus pairs of IC shoes and now when I’m frozen I plan my next outfit because I’m worth making me up for me for. I’m always going to be rubbish at makeup (my hands shake too much for eyeliner) and my hair is just off on its own planet somewhere but I’m really getting confident with putting outfits together and dressing up at home. Life’s too short to not."