COR! I'm not sure if that last month went really fast or dragged! How do you feel?
One thing we know we feel for sure though is this... WE FEEL SO LOVED!!!
We said right at the beginning that supporting small businesses meant that we'd survive this. That we'd come out the end of it and we'd still be here for you. You lovely lot DELIVERED! Oh my god did you deliver!! We were blown away by the sheer volume of orders that were coming through. Thank you so so much!!!
We had multiple launches through lockdown and thankfully the shop was shut because we had to use it as a spill out packing room!!! We could hardly keep up but we did. We started early and stayed late (sorry Postie, we love you). Erstwilder and Irregular Choice dropped multiple launches within days of one another and as I said in my previous blog, we were shattered. On top of sorting out offers ready for Treat Week, we were absolutely knackered. Would any of us change that for the world though? Na. We were humbled that you, our amazing customers, family, friends and business buddies rallied around and made sure we were okay and that we would be okay.
I have to address this though.
One thing that made us really really sad. Something we've never really seen before and so it took us by complete surprise. A rise in customers taking to social media to complain about delivery times and things they weren't happy about.
We pride ourselves in our fantastic customer service. We go above and beyond, we've sought out items for people who had emotional attachments. We're always more than fair if something is faulty or you've been disappointed. Yet this month, in our second lockdown, we've seen our name and many others crop up in social media groups before we've even been made aware of a problem. That hurts. It really hurts.
So I think it's important to remember that there are people on the end of these businesses.
We're Kirsty, Stacie, Emily, Alice, Jo and Callum. We're 6 real life humans with families. We're 6 people who love our jobs, love one another and love our customers. So whilst we've LOVED the support you've given us, please please remember to be kind to all retail workers, especially this year. Because I can assure you, every time you order from us we get excited. We congratulate the person who's idea that post was, we high five, we put the kettle on and grab the biscuits. But when we read people being mean, personal comments on social media, we all get sad. Please remember, be kind.
Speak Soon
Love Stacie x